Legal Notice

Website Editor

Renaissance World Tour Shop
Headquarters Corseaux - Switzerland (CH)

Site Host

151 O'Connor
Ground Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2L8

  1. Personal Data
  • Collection of personal data Renaissance World Tour Shop informs that by visiting or ordering on its Internet site (hereinafter the "Site"), the data recorded will be used by its internal services, and/or those of the companies of the group to which Renaissance World Tour Shop belongs: -
    to process the order;
    - to inform customers or visitors to the Site of news and upcoming events by sending newsletters;
    - and to propose commercial offers and contests. In no case do we collect the e-mail
    address of customers and/or visitors without their deliberate communication.

     - Purpose of data processing The information collected is processed for the purpose of sending commercial offers. Only our company, its subsidiaries and their partners, if you have accepted, are recipients of the information communicated. In accordance with legal obligations, we keep this information for a limited period of time, proportional to the purposes for which you have provided it to us.

     - Protection of your personal data and exercise of the right of access Information concerning customers and/or visitors is exclusively intended for Renaissance World Tour Shop. In accordance with articles 27 and 34 of the French Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete your personal data at any time. To exercise this right, you just have to make the request by specifying your complete coordinates (name and first name, address and telephone): -
    by sending an email via the contact
  1. Intellectual Property

All elements published on the Site, such as sounds, images, photographs, videos, writings, animations, programs, graphic charter, utilities, databases, software, and other underlying technology are protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code and belong to Renaissance World Tour Shop.

 Any total or partial reproduction, modification or use of these trademarks, illustrations, images and logos, for any reason and on any medium whatsoever, without the express prior consent of Renaissance World Tour Shop, is strictly prohibited. The same applies to any combination or conjunction with any other brand, symbol, logotype and more generally any distinctive sign intended to form a composite logo, with the exception of logos and descriptive signs belonging to the brands present on the Site. The same shall apply to all copyrights, designs, and patents that are the property of Renaissance World Tour Shop.

 Renaissance World Tour Shop prohibits any deep hypertext link to the Site or any hypertext link that uses a transclusion technique. A user wishing to place a simple link on his or her personal Internet Site that refers directly to the home page of the Site must first request express authorization from Renaissance World Tour Shop.

  1. Responsibility

Renaissance World Tour Shop is not responsible for the content and operation of the sites linked to this Site, nor for any damage of any kind that may be suffered by the client and/or visitor when visiting these sites.

 The use of this Site implies the knowledge and acceptance by the client and/or visitor of the characteristics and limits of the Internet and the technologies linked to it, the lack of protection of certain data against possible misappropriation or piracy and the risks of contamination by possible viruses circulating on the network. Renaissance World Tour Shop declines all responsibility in case of misuse or incident related to the use of the computer, access to the Internet, maintenance or malfunction of servers, telephone line or any other technical connection, and sending forms to an incorrect or incomplete address, any computer errors or defects found on the Site.

  1. Applicable law

This Site is subject to French law.